Monday, January 17, 2011

The President Hands our Fisheries to the United Nations...

You got it right. Read this post on the forums at to read about the latest in what appears to be a complete globalization of America. Bypassing our Congress and the Judiciary, the LOST treaty is written into law with the strike of a pen. A pen carrying with it the death of America as we know it. A free and sovereign nation. With the likes of Syria on the Human Rights Commission of that organization, it will not be long before UN personnel are threatening my life if I want to fish for grouper.

What is the United Nations? Why are we there? Why is it in New York? Why do we support hate speak, which abounds in its polished marble halls? Hatred for you and me. Hatred for sport fishing, hatred for guns, and a hatred of Christianity and anything 'spiritual' outside yoga and the tofu bar. Hatred for free speech and hatred for you and me.

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